Light food is what I had for dinner. The last days in Germany were hot, so I really enjoy eating crisp greens at the moment. I got to know the cheese that I used for this salad during my studies in Estonia. The four varieties of cheese I could find in my supermaket were not to my taste as all of them were flavoured with dill. When I met a salesclerk who understood my Englisch, I asked her for a cheese without dill and after a short time for consideration she brought me a tetrapack. I was puzzled and thought that she must have misunderstood me but there were those big letters on the package saying "German Cheese". Until now I could not figure out why they call this cheese German in Estonia but after some experiments I found out that it is delicous in salads. When I was back in Germany I found this cheese in a Turkish grocery store with the simple name Creamcheese and without a tetrapack.
Pastasalat mit Rucola und Tomaten
- 150 g Mini Penne Rigate
- eine Handvoll Rucola
- 2 reife Tomaten
- 50 g türkischer Cremekäse
- 1 EL Cashewnüsse
- 3-4 EL Olivenöl
- 1,5 EL Balsamico
- 0,5 EL Honig
Nudeln in reichlich Salzwasser garen und abkühlen lassen. Tomaten und Rucola waschen und kleinschneiden bzw. zerrupfen. Den Käse mit einer Gabel zerdrücken und alles zusammen in eine Schüssel geben. Gut umrühren, damit sich Öl, Essig, Honig und Käse zu einem cremigen Dressing verbinden und genießen.
Pasta salad with rocket and tomatoes
- 150 g mini penne rigate
- a handful of rocket salad
- 2 ripe tomatoes
- 50 g Turkish creamy cheese
- 1 tbsp cashew nuts
- 3-4 tbsp olive oil
- 1,5 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 0,5 tbsp honey
Cook the pasta in plenty of salted water, drain and leave to cool down. Wash the tomatoes and the rocket and cut both into pieces. Crush the cheese with a fork and put all ingredients into a bowl. Stir well until oil, vinegar, honey and cheese emulsify to a creamy dressing. Enjoy!
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