Unexpected this classy old lady became mine.

Um 1936 in der Schweiz gebaut, verfügt sie weder über Knopflochautomatik, noch über ein LCDisplay, dafür aber über ausgefeilte Mechanik, die nach vielen Jahrzehnten im Einsatz immer noch perfekt und ihrem ganz eigenen Rhythmus folgend funktioniert.
She was built in Switzerland around 1936 and doesn't have features like automatic buttonhole or a LC-display but elaborate mechanics instead which is still working smoothly following its very own rhythm after several decades of use.

She was built in Switzerland around 1936 and doesn't have features like automatic buttonhole or a LC-display but elaborate mechanics instead which is still working smoothly following its very own rhythm after several decades of use.

Ich habe gestern fast den gesamten Nachmittag damit verbracht, die Maschine zu putzen und zu ölen und hoffe, dass ich eines Tages imstande sein werde, mir ein Outfit aus der Zeit ihrer Entstehung zu nähen.
Yesterday I spent almost the whole afternoon cleaning and oiling the mashine and hope to be able to create an outfit inspired by her time of origin one day.
Yesterday I spent almost the whole afternoon cleaning and oiling the mashine and hope to be able to create an outfit inspired by her time of origin one day.
2 Kommentare:
WOW. That machine is gorgeous! What a wonderful find!
was für ein tolles stück! wunderschön ist diese maschine!#
liebe grüße,
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